Resident Rescue Cat Crew
At KitTea, we care for rescue cats of all ages and backgrounds. Many of the cats you’ll meet during your visit are purrmanent residents, which means they’ve hit the kitty jackpot and get to be spoiled and pampered by our caring staff for basically the rest of their nine lives. In turn, our resident cats help mentor and acclimate the many new adoptable kitties that come in, and entertain and socialize with our guests and visitors. These cats are not currently available for adoption, however, we always want to be sure the cats we keep are living their best and happiest lives, so in special cases, we may reach out and adopt out residents if we truly believe it is what is best for them.
Ron is one of KitTea’s OGs.
Ron (aka “The Dude”)
Purrthday: July 2016
Sibling: Ginny
Purrsonality Traits: Sweet as pie, cuddly, a ham, wants to move to the Bahamas
Hobbies: Food, racing mindlessly on the cat wheel, laying on backs and acting as a 12-pound scarf… and food.
Bio: Ron is quite the purrsonality. A simple man of the world, he just wants everyone to get along and have a good time. He becomes fast friends with every human and cat he meets, and is always down for a good chin scratch or grooming session with his ginger sister, Ginny.
Fun Fact: Ron studied at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry with his best friend, Harry Paw-ter, and his pet rat Scabbers.
His Past: We don’t have any clear facts about Ron and his sister Ginny’s past, but we do know they were once part of a feral cat colony. Perhaps he lived in Northbeach Commune with the beat poets?
Purrthday: July 2016
Sibling: Ron
Purrsonality Traits: Sweet, chatty, athletic, loving, shoulder jumper, escape artist
Hobbies: Napping, listening to NPR, staying up-to-date on purrent events and making sure all her fellow felines are caught up as well
Bio: Ginny is a rare kitty, as only around 18% of orange tabbies are ladies! She’s a real gem to her best friend and laid-back brother Ron — you can frequently find them snuggling when they think no one is looking.
Fun Fact: Ginny is actually a lioness in disguise. Watch out for her ferocious love bites — sometimes she forgets her own strength!
Her Past: Not much is known about Ginny and Ron’s past lives, although we do know they were part of a feral colony before arriving at the shelter. This is why her right ear is clipped; it allowed rescuers to know she had already been captured, spayed, and released back to her outdoor home.
Ginny awaiting treats.
Burger has many adoring fans that come and visit him often. He’s KitTea’s unofficial mascot!
Purrthday: June 2016
Best Pal: Everyone <3
Purrsonality Traits: Playful, adventurous, gregarious, a friend to all, confident, dog person, curious
Hobbies: Hunting, tricks for treats, watching mewvies with his fur-riends, running across the Golden Gate Wheel, styling his tail into an intimidating punk-style scorpion tail, gently nibbling on a curious finger or two
Bio: Burger is a handsome gentleman in his tuxedo. He’s energetic, loves to zoomaround, and is always down to play with any fellow cat. In his meowr mellow moments, he adores receiving belly rubs while reclining in one of his favorite nap spots.
Fun Fact: Burger speaks three languages — Calico, Tabby, and Gaelic.
His Past: It’s a mystery. How did such an all-around good guy end up in the city shelter system? Tuxedos are some of the least adopted cats in San Francisco, so we’re happy to keep his dapper self safe and happy here at KitTea!
Purrthday: June 2016
Best Pal: Your hair
Purrsonality Traits: Feisty, cuddly, goofy, endearing, bossy, kissing bandit, spontaneous
Hobbies: Cruising the cat lounge, napping, roughhousing, snuggling, styling hair
Bio: Don’t let this gal’s lack of an eyeball fool you. Well adjusted to the world around her, she’s our feistiest feline. Blinx can play for hours, and if you’re lucky you might get one of her famous love bites!
Fun Fact: Blinx is all paws, claws, and zero flaws.
Her Past: Blinx was turned in as a little baby and had to have eye surgery upon arrival at the shelter.She may have had a sick mama, which is why she was born with eye damage. She is originally from Stockton.
Blinx can see directly into your soul (even with just one eye).
Buffy just hangin’ out.
Purrthday: May 2016
Sibling: Shiloh
Purrsonality Traits: Playful, sweet, agile, ferocious, friendly
Hobbies: Shoulder climbing, staring into your soul, cuddling, drag racing, having the softest most velvety fur
Bio: This soft-coated lady will run circles around you when she’s awake, then completely pass out once she’s had her fill. Her perfectly round eyes make her very cartoon-like.
Fun Fact: Buffy is a psychic whose passion is connecting cats and humans alike with their lost loved ones. That’s why her eyes are so big — they’re full of secrets. You can catch her new show “Cat Cafe Medium” on TLC next fall.
Her Past: This sassy, adorable ball of black fluff was found near Stonestown Galleria with her sister Shiloh. Due to her impressive ocular assets, Buffy was designated lookout for her sister (a notorious cat burglar). Together they pulled off the greatest Wetzel’s Pretzels heist known to cat kind.
Purrthday: May 2016
Sibling: Buffy
Purrsonality Traits: Very playful yet timid, lap napper, nimble, sleek and sneaky
Hobbies: Passing out in the warmest, most purrfect lap she can find, playing musical shoulders with her sister Buffy, chasing after the elusive feather toy, hiding inside people’s jackets and shirts… while they’re still wearing them.
Bio: Shiloh can be shy and introverted, but when she feels comfortable she will become your best fur-riend. She’ll take to anyone with a calm, patient disposition and a warm lap. You can frequently find her cuddled up in a soft cozy spot on her own or snuggled with another cat.
Fun Fact: Shiloh is going through a mid-lives crisis — she’s recently found peace through a daily session of cat nip play and hot stone massages.
Her Past: Shiloh and Buffy were both strays found near Stonestown Galleria. Once a notorious cat burglar, she completed her com-mew-nity service in 2019. She hopes to pay off her Gap Card by 2025.
Shiloh often gets mistaken for her twin sister Buffy.
Dolly taking a quick cat nap.
Dolly Purrton
Purrthday: September 2015
Best Pal: Your inner elbow
Purrsonality Traits: Lap lover, foodie, kneady and needy, class-act
Hobbies: Communicating via eye squints, jumping onto backs and laps, pretending you’re her mama and kneading and suckling on you, snuggling and sleeping for hours on end
Bio: Dolly is a total doll — she’s as soft as a cloud, as cuddly as a teddy bear, and as sweet as whipped cream. She loves cuddling up and kneading on a super soft jacket or coat.
Fun Fact: Dolly Parton is actually named after HER, not the other way around.
Her Past: After studying at Oxford, Dolly sold tires at a Cincinnati Firestone dealer where she was discovered and then whisked away to Nashville. The rest of her story is portrayed by almost believable actors in her own Lifetime Original Mewvie, “Heart of Gold Rims”.
Purrthday: June 2017
Siblings: Strudel and Tippi
Purrsonality Traits: High-class, handsome (and he knows it), needy, King of the Castle
Hobbies: Jumping onto and laying on backs, crying until you let him jump onto your back, screaming for attention, napping with his kitty friends, hanging out in the Marina in his favorite Polo shirt
Bio: Look into Noodle’s dreamy blue eyes and he will immediately pull you into a trance and steal your heart. But be careful — one minute Noodle will love you with all his being, and the next he will want nothing to do with you. Noodle sees himself as the alpha of the pack and therefore can sometimes be a bit of a bully (especially to new cats), but his intentions are pure. He loves all his friends and siblings, and you can frequently find him cuddled up next to Ginny, Ron, Shiloh, or Burger.
Fun Fact: Noodle is actually a semi-famous model who has a huge following in The Netherlands
His Past: Noodle and his family grew up in a glamorous household in France with their adoring, wealthy owner, but were torn away from their cushy life when their jealous butler deserted them in the middle of nowhere. A charming alley cat took them under his wing and taught them how to navigate the road of life, but Noodle struggled to move past his old Aristocat ways. He is now satisfied with his life at KitTea, so long as we feed him out of a gold bowl and have a live pianist on call to serenade him to sleep.
Noodle has the bluest eyes you’ve ever seen.
Strudel’s adorable crossed eyes enable him to see twice as many ghosts and spirits.
Purrthday: June 2017
Siblings: Noodle and Tippi
Purrsonality Traits: Cross-eyed, goofy, chatty, lap bandit, floppy, shoulder jumper, constant attention seeker
Hobbies: Eating while being pet, conversing about anything and everything, stealing lap time from other cats, hanging out on backs and shoulders
Bio: Strudel loves to talk about everything and anything, especially if it’s related to food. After his life as the cat of a millionaire, he found a job as a professional protester. He is now an expert at expressing his opinions, which is why he is so confident to speak everything that’s on his mind. He is also a master at sleeping in crazy positions. He frequently enjoys nice gentle scratches in his cat equivalent of armpits.
Fun Fact: Strudel started the grassroots movement “Cats For All Of The Attention All Of The Time”. So far he has had a 50% success rate.
His Past: Strudel grew up with his siblings in a luxurious French household with an adoring, very wealthy owner. He worked hard to gain his owner’s approval and often found himself wondering, “Did I do good hooman? Are you impressed?” After he was stolen and abandoned by a jealous butler, he lost his sense of purpose. Thankfully, Strudel has regained his purpose at KitTea, and often demands attention from the Cat Wrangler while circling their feet. In case you are wondering, we are impressed by everything he does!
Purrthday: June 2017
Siblings: Noodle and Strudel
Purrsonality Traits: Lap-lover, strong willed, chatty, affectionate and adorable, Angela Martin-esque
Hobbies: Sitting on your lap for hours on end and getting upset that you’d ever want her to get off, chasing thingys around the room, needlework and felting
Bio: Tippi is THE lap cat. She loves to snuggle onto a lap as soon as a guest sits on the bench, and then sleep there for hours and hours. She gets incredibly offended if you try to disturb her rest by lifting her off your lap. A guest was once stuck in the cat lounge with Tippi on their lap for 48 straight hours.
Fun Fact: Tippi’s favorite clothing item is a turtleneck. She was the official model for the 1980s Mervyn’s catalog. She now has a lifetime supply of turtlenecks.
Her Past: Tippi grew up in a glamorous house in France with her siblings and their adoring, wealthy owner. After a spiteful and jealous butler catnapped and abandoned them, Tippi swore to never trust humans again. That all changed when she arrived at KitTea and realized how much she missed the feeling of a warm, cozy lap under her tired paws. She once starred in an indie documentary about cats who have lived a tenth life.
Tippi’s cute little face hides her inner snow leopard instincts.
Belle practically invented ‘tortietude’. We love her even when she’s more sassy than sweet!
Purrthday: April 2018
Best Pal: Your back
Purrsonality Traits: Sassy, adorable, adventurous, shoulder climber, easily spooked, sensitive
Hobbies: Surprising guests by launching directly onto their shoulders, seeing ghosts in the cat lounge, being chased by Blinx, kneading on your back, impersonating rotisserie chickens when she’s relaxing
Bio: Ever heard the expression “tortitude”? This adorable little tortoiseshell practically invented it! Belle is a sweetheart until she gets jealous you’re petting someone that isn’t her, and she’s quite the diva when another cat dares try to engage her in some play. She frequently chats with the Cat Wrangler, and loves leaping onto backs and shoulders before giving you a generous all-claws neck massage. Her distinctive meow is sure to surprise you.
Fun Fact: Belle’s first job was as an apprentice to Santa Claws… so if you let her relax on your coat or jacket she may leave you a little purresent…
Her Past: Belle arrived to KitTea as a kitten. She can’t remember a time when humans weren’t lining up at the door to pet, play with, and feed her.
Purrthday: April 2016
Best Pal: Your lap (if you’re gentle enough)
Purrsonality Traits: Lap-napper, timid yet loving, soft spoken, introverted yet extroverted, 10-foot jumper
Hobbies: Cuddling up in the perfect lap, chasing the elusive feather string toy, leaping high into the sky, catching up on her reading
Bio: Once very feral and distrusting of the human race, Passion is now one of the gentlest and sweetest cats you’ll meet. While she’s gorgeous on the outside with her designer white coat and sparkling blue eyes, she has an even more beautiful soul. She welcomes new cats into the space with an open heart and sparks joy in even the most down-in-the-dump guests.
Fun Fact: Passion has a huge extended family (10 brothers, 7 sisters, 21 children, countless nieces and nephews). She loves sneaking out of KitTea to visit them on holidays to entertain them with tales of bottomless wet food and endless laps to nap on.
Her Past: Passion and her siblings were rescued from a hoarding situation when they were only a few years old. It took a long time for her to trust people after her original upbringing, but after about a year of socialization, she transformed into the adorable lovebug she is today.
Passion has one of the meowst stunning coats in the Cat Lounge.
Jellybean in her infamous bean position.
Purrthday: July 2010
Best Pal: Anything squirming under a rug or blanket
Purrsonality Traits: Sweet, silly, sleepy, spritely, surely
Hobbies: Napping for hours, then zooming around the whole lounge, spying, attacking thingys under the rug, doing a self perm
Bio: The cutest, grumpiest mug in town! Raised on the mean streets, this calico queen is tough but fair with her subjects. Affectionately known by the staff as “The Bean”, she enjoys her quiet alone time, but if you catch her in a playful mood you’ll see transform from a Jellybean into a Jumping bean!
Fun Fact: Jellybean was once guest of honor at the Jellicle Ball. She notably has a vacation home in the Heaviside Layer.
Her Past: Much of Jellybean’s past remains a mystery, but we do know she spent quite a long time living on the streets before arriving to the shelter in rough condition. After a lot of TLC and acclimation time, she’s become one of KitTea’s wisest elder cats. Rumors circulate she has ties to a notorious kitty mafia.
Purrthday: April 2020
Best Pal: Your camera (be sure to get her good side)
Purrsonality Traits: Playful, sweet, inquisitive, graceful
Hobbies: Chasing wand toys, lounging in the clouds of our wall installation, pursuing snack opportunities, and needlepoint
Bio: Coco is Kit Tea's very own supermodel. You can tell by the way she struts the catwalks in the lounge that she's in her element with her distinctive, signature supermodel walk. She also loves to play in our tunnels with wand toys, and can sometimes be caught cat-napping in a tunnel. She enjoys having her luxurious black coat petted; she's quite responsive to petting and has a soft purr.
Fun Fact: Despite having the cutest little ski jump nose you ever did see, Coco wishes to clarify that she has never had any "work done." Her cuteness comes from 100% original, organic material.
Her Past: Coco's a bit of an International Lady of Mystery. Little is known about her past except that she arrived at Kit Tea in need of extensive dental work, which has been performed. She's lost quite a few teeth, reportedly as the result of a backstage cat fight with Naomi Catbell at an Isaac Mizreowhi show during New York Fashion Week a few seasons ago.
Coco’s mane is world-renowned.